
Mediation offers clients a time and cost-effective approach to sorting out their disputes. Mediation costs a fraction of the fees associated with attending Court and the timeframe of attending a mediation is much quicker than you would expect to see at Court.


Participation in mediation allows the parties to remain in control of the outcome to their matter and can help to elevate the stress and anxiety that accompanies attending court.

At Umbrella legal, our Mediator tailors mediation sessions according to the client’s needs. Mediations are held in a variety of ways including:

  • In person,
  • Online, and via
  • Shuttle conferences, where the mediator acts as a go-between for the parties so they do not see or hear one another during the session.

We offer mediations is areas such as:

  • Parenting and property disputes (noting that presently we cannot issue s60i certificates for court),
  • Elder Law,
  • Commercial and Invoicing disputes,
  • Employment disputes,
  • Neighbourhood disputes,
  • Real Estate disputes,
  • Will and Estate disputes,
  • Civil disputes.

Often, mediation is a pre-requisite to filing within the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, particularly in parenting disputes.


Contact our office today for your initial consultation